The Price to Pay
Found in a taxidermy shop in New York. Friends know which one we mean. You cannot be haunted and survive in this world. You must act. We share these pages as a warning and a prophecy both and for interpretation of how the dead old world still lives forward in the new, alas. To believe in truth, you must take on contamination.
But they believe in you. Warning, Friends: do not take on false prophecy. Our former friend wants "Voynich" to bring him to the truth, but in fact that is just down the rabbit hole. No manuscript can replace what Silvina gives you.
Blessed be the salamander, far from your ministrations, far from this hellmouth. Blessed be the salamander, in the dark, under rocks, but with the truth shining out from their skin. Blessed be the Friends who labor in the dark, under rocks, but know the truth with all of their being.
The frustrations of the un-believer will spill out in vitriol and spittle. The frustrations of the un-believer will infect the Friends by the very act of bringing attention to these frustrations. Do not pay it mind. Do not give it attention or time. Continue on your mission.
There is only one goat here and that is the scribbler who does not understand our purpose. You have been warned.